Saturday, November 27, 2010

Nucking Futz...Black Friday

Holy crapazoli!! I decided to drive home Thursday after work and got to Oelwein around 9ish. Then decided to go shopping at 3am with mom and grandpa. Since I knew that when I got home I decided to just stay up...I tried to lay down a couple of times and wasn't tired enough or knew I would pass out and have to get up in 30 mins! So 3:30 came g-pa pulled up and my n mom jumped in! Off to waterloo we Walmart first. We get to Walmart and of course they're a crock of poop and gave their tickets for items out before 5am or put out their 30 waffle makers before 5am. So I waited next to 2 portable DVD players for 20 mins then decided I needed one since I stood there for that long (no i don't need one!) and walked away with 3of them and a travel bag for me! Wheew this aggressive shopping thing brings out the worst in me! Walmart was done and lame so off to Menards where I stood outside in line for 38 mins...20 of which were spent in just a sweatshirt until mom got outta the car and brought me my coat...ya I was a little excited! Menards was NUTS it was a legit free for all! IT WAS AWESOME!! So of course I'm the type of person that gets all anxious in large groups of people and I'm claustrophobic so I'm moving pretty quickly to get our stuff together and get the heck outta there. Yep we finally find the line for the check out...Pretty sure we budged a little to get in it. We wound our way all the way back and forth through the store until about an hour later we were outta there! Now the sun was up and it was about 7:20.
We drove through Mcdees and got home around 8:15. I got in my jammies took out my contacts and passed the fuck out! Woke up around 1pm along with Steph who just went to Pamida in town with dad for a few things at 6am and was asleep by 7am. We got up and she wanted to workout so we went to the wellness center and ran, did some crunches, and I even got to shoot some hoops! That felt pretty good and made me miss playing basketball! :(
It was nice being home Steph went with me later to eat with Grandma which was nice. Slept with Steph and about died becuz her heater was on like over 70 degrees which meant that mixed with our sleeping bodies heating the room made it like feel like 112 degrees in there!! Woke up at 7am and about died of heat exhaustion. Slept in mom's room from 9:30-11 then finally got up today. Got ready and went and saw Steph working n g-ma at the same time kinda nice how that works out. Left with mom and dad for waterloo around 1 today and ate at Wendy's with them. Drove back to Ames and got here 20 mins before I had to work...perfect timing.
Now I'm procrastinating my homework even more by writing this which took longer than it should i'm tired and work at 6:30am tomorrow so Nuh-nite people!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Not-so-Break

This so called break isn't really a break for me. Yes there isn’t any classes but I’m still working a lot and am unable to go home becuz of it! My extended family only gets together 3 times a year…Easter, Thanksgiving, and X-mas. So of course I’m a little sad by this. I’m not quiet sure if everyone will be there this year tho. My cousins are getting older and starting their own families so pretty soon we will probably not be having the holidays with my extended family. This crazy to think of to me even tho all my cousins are around their 30’s (but just got married). There are 5 cousins on my mom’s O’Hara side, 3 Hemesath boys and 2 O’Hara boys. The 3 Hemesath boy are NOW all married (two just this last summer) and the O’Hara boys have promising girlfriends. Brian is the oldest Hemesath boy and he has a daughter, Olivia, that will be one in January. This is my grandparents first great grandbaby.

I feel that we still get together as a big family becuz of my grandparents. If it was their choice we would get together for everything. The Hemesath family lives in Hudson, the O’Hara’s in Waterloo (close to Hudson actually) and our family still lives in Oelwein with my grandparents. This is why to me they are like second parents. Wow I should just stop now or I will be going on forever about my grandparents. Here just a little about them they just celebrated their 57th wedding anniversary on October 24th. They dated since age 16 tho so really they’ve been together for over 60 years. Crazy, yet my parents are the same way. Dated at age 16 and celebrated their 26th anniversary on October 26th. Yep see why there a little pressure to try and make it work with my ex boyfriend of 6 years!! Also my little sister is dating her boyfriend (which they are the exact months apart me and B are apart) and they’ve been together for almost 2 years now. Now that’s crazy! Anyway…

I’m usually the person that goes home asap and want to spend as much time with my family especially my grandparents and yet I’m stuck here alllllllll of break and it’s not looking promising to make it home before school is done for the semester. I feel as if I might be taking a few days off and hauling it home to make up some lost time on this break! J Well hopefully you are all having a lovely break and come back ready for finals becuz I know I am already!

Holy Crap What a Day!!

If you are in tearoom then you know what day I am talking about in my title. Yes this is of course last Thursday!! I went from zero to 10 in about 2 seconds I think about 200 times that day. Let me recap for you.....

That morning I'm riding the bus with my lovely roommate Jodi and we had to wait for the train so the bus had to go a different way to make up the time. Not worried about being late for the 380 test...I feel it is impossible to be late for that class...Anyway!

Get to class feeling pretty confident take my test...of course the second one done...i kinda hate being such a fast test taker yet I have developed a bad habit that once more than like 3 people finish before me i tend to freak out and go faster even tho I wasn't intentionally going fast in the first place! Ugh!! So the test went fine scored ok all was good....

After class I went downstairs as usual and ate my yogurt and granola and chatted it up...Maggie came by to get ready for class and was talking to me about the certification exam I have in HRI 101 so I turned to her and said yep all I need is a pencil and this sheet (as I opened the book to show her the scantron sheet I would need)..FREAK OUT MODE---IT'S NOT THERE! Yep I'm panicking already because I have only taken the book two places besides the class and my apt and have never even touched it becuz I was scared to lose it! So trying to stay level headed I'm just like o the book store will have new books I'll just buy a new one in the HOUR break I have before the test.

So in tearoom I’m a little hazey and confused all day becuz I’m thinking of that stupid piece of paper I don’t have. Zach, noticing that I’m in that funk, keeps telling me it’ll be fine stop worrying and cheer up. I did cheer up a little bit after I ate my cold food becuz of those stupid pies! My mood did get much better just becuz of that I love food! Anyway…

After tearoom I booked it like hell to the MU and sure enough NOTHING THERE! So over to the campus bookstore with no hope left in me…yep she goes to the used section and I’m like “NO it HAS to be new to have the sheet I NEED!” –“O all we’d have are used ones”. Of course being the emotionally wreck I usually am I just break down right there. Get me bag through the tears and walk out.

I call B to see if he might have found it as his place (One of the two places I had the book attempting to study before the test the night before) and he says no, but will come pick me up to run me home and look for it. It’s now about 1:25 (test at 2:10). He comes we fly home, while I’m bawling my freaking eyes out the whole time!! There’s more to that reason if you want to know you can ask me in person. So we get here and run in the apt and are looking for 2 second and B goes “OMG! I saw a bubble sheet somewhere the other day….” Me-“WHERE THE HELL IS IT??!!” B-“In my living room!” So it now being 1:45 I’m freaking out. We call Cale his old roommate from 2 years ago that now lives across the hall and he not only goes in and finds it…He DROVE it to the MU to us and then B drove me around campus and I walked it to take my test at 2:08! HOLY CRAP! What a freaking day!! My eyes are so sore I feel like I had been hit by a bus and all I wanted to do was curl up and sleep the rest of the day away!

Well I went home got in some jammies put on a blanket and my snuggie and took a nap! I didn’t want to move the rest of the day in fear of something else going wrong!!

So for all of you wondering Yes, I got my sheet and took my test! Now I hope I freaking passed it after all that!!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Lately I have been frustrated. I don't have an exact reason or purpose for my frustration I just am. I have never had a day where I didn't want to talk to people and I had one of those days on monday. Well maybe it's because I don't get to celebrate any Thanksgiving with my family because I have to work. I know this make me frustrated but ya.
Well I know I should write more yet I'm not in the mood much any more. G'nite! :)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I am officially CPR Certified thanks to my job. :) At first I was the only one taking the class and then Kyrstle showed up which was nice becuz I already know her and it wasn't as awkward when we had to practice the choking procedures on each other. At least it flew by in 2 hours instead of 3 and I'm am done with it.
Tearoom was uneventful today but I'm sure it's becuz I was a table server. WAIT I lied we made up the 12 days of Tearoom song!! It goes as follows:

12-Monster Cookies
11-Lemon Wedges
10- Naked Flavors
9- Broken Teapots
8- Table servers
7- Preset Salads
6- People at a table
4- K-preps
3- Sanitors
2- Merit Workers
1-Well this ones a little for the customers they will hear--And a Charlie Brown Dessert Buffet...Us in the class will secretly be singing something a lot less nice!!
I guess we were pretty productive before the doors opened.

Well not much left to say today hope I can get all my homework done!! :)

Monday, November 8, 2010

It's Been Awhile

Like I stated when I started this again I am terrible at keeping up with this blogging thing! :) SO as usual a lot has happened! This week Steph had her college visit to good ol' ISU!! She got to experince the nicest people in the world here at ISU the same way I did when I used to visit B before I became an actual student here. We drove to the commuter lot and got on the 23 orange to Mackay so I could finish my Maitre d'Hotel packet and she could write her comp. paper. We get of at Mackay and as soon as we step foot on the curb by Mackay Steph says "my phone!" and then we turn and watch the bus pull away. AWESOME! She's half expecting me to go running after it which isn't happening, but being the good sister I am I call Cyride and tell them that the bus that's now pry at the library should have a lost blackberry on it. They told me to call back later and see if anybody turns it in. SO for the next hour n a half all i hear about is how Steph's life is on that phone and she isn't going to be able to live without it...while i'm writing my summary for my packet and finishing up costing with Ashley. She's all distraught and complaining until she gets a text on my phone from her friend back home that says "someone has steph's phone and she needs to call it to get it back". Now she's thrilled and I of course call whoever has it and they are in the dorms on campus and will bring the phone to Mackay for her. Then it hit Steph that her phone was completely dead to the point it wouldn't turn on and would have had to be charged to make the phone calls she did! So some girl found her phone either had the same charger or found someone that did and charged it to find the owner! HOW AWESOME!! So that pretty much sold my little sister on how nice people can be here at ISU and she should totally come here. I told here that is what sold me on my decision. I lost my phone here once and didn't know it until my dad was calling my bf to tell me to call someone to get it back! People can be so nice sometimes!

Big Change for me is......I now have a ROOMMATE!! Hell yeeeaa! Jodi as moved in and I'm happy! :) Now it's getting used to having a roommate...No more walking around in my underwear! :D

Well now that I've said that I'll leave you with that scarring image! ;)